Mr Andrew Pickersgill was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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30th March 2021

We were so lucky to have found this wonderful doctor. After finding out my baby's heart had stopped beating I made my way to the early pregnancy unit as instructed. I had previously had a missed miscarriage and was thoroughly traumatised after and was again fearful of the same treatment. Last time, at an NHS hospital, I was left over a month, got sepsis and required an emergency D&C and a stay in hospital. When I went, yet again, they wanted me to wait for any treatment, disregarding previous scans I had had privately (for reassurance purposes due to last times events). We searched all over the internet for help and made repeated calls to different places until a wonderful receptionist at Regency picked up. After lots of intervention on her behalf we had an appointment the same day with Mr Pickersgill. When we went in to the appointment he listened to me, actually listened. Even though I was anxious, stumbling over my words because of grief and worry, he listened. Not only that, he had empathy for mine and my husbands situation. He asked what I wanted. I felt looked after already and we trusted him 100%. My husband was so thankful (he was so so worried about it all). Once we left, the ball was already rolling and I was able to be booked in as an emergency. Mr Pickersgill messaged day and night, making sure we were informed; consulting us at every turn. He was and is amazing. On the day of my surgery he actually saw me, spoke to me and I was put as priority so I could get home the same day and be with my husband. This was an awful time, but the silver lining in this is meeting this doctor for my care and treatment. I honestly think that if I would have seen him instead of the NHS in my first missed miscarriage, I wouldn't have suffered so much emotional and physical trauma which ultimately lead us to wait over ten years to try again for a baby. I would like to thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for everything.

24th February 2021

After having had on-off bleeding for nearly 12 months despite being on HRT I visited Mr Pickersgill for a second opinion as the opinion of the gynaecologist I had been seeing in London and his proposed course of action didn't make sense to me. My initial face to face visit was very relaxed, he listened to me and my concerns and suggested an MRI scan. This identified many large fibroids and having discussed the options and him answering my numerous questions I decided the best option for me was to have a sub-total hysterectomy via laparoscope. The surgery went really well and I could have come home the same day but decided to stay the one night. The anaesthetist with whom he works was fantastic and he listened to how I wanted to feel when I came round and how soon I wanted to be up and out of bed. I recovered very quickly and returned to exercise quickly too. Everything has healed really well and I was impressed he used a pre-existing scar for one of the incisions to reduce scarring. Clearly he is a highly skilled surgeon with a wealth of experience and I can't recommend him highly enough for his skill and his care.

Written by a patient at Regency Hospital
10th November 2020

I recently had keyhole surgery for a hysterectomy and prolapse repair performed by Mr Pickersgill at the Regency Hospital Macclesfield. He is a very skilled surgeon and I appreciated the way he took time to explain everything to me. His bedside manner is excellent. I was nervous about having surgery during the pandemic, but Mr Pickersgill and the staff at the Regency put my mind at rest and all the necessary precautions were taken. I am amazed at the fact that only 2 weeks after the operation I am almost back to normal. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr Pickersgill and his anaesthetist.

Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
23rd October 2020

Ladies if you are under the care of Mr Pickersgill then you are very fortunate to have found him and have total trust that you are with a top specialist who is fully competent and professional. Mr Pickersgill will give you back your spark and ultimately your life, here's why: I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2012 and not long after my first laporoscopy I started bleeding through my back passage along with other symptoms - I knew at the time that the endometriosis had returned and my fight to get doctors to listen to me carried on for 8 years until 2020. As the pain grew stronger I was begining to slowly lose my life - first trapped in a body full of pain and eventually my mind gave in and my conditions were winning and defining my very self.  I am a positive person and have always been taught to be adaptable and persevere with lifes challenges. The pain made me think I was dying, I was totally lifeless...Then I met Mr Pickersgill and finally someone had knowledge on my condition, I was treated like a person and not a number. Not only did Mr Pickersgill have the knowledge and professionalism he made me feel like a human being. Ultimately, someone who knew why I was in so much pain, someone who listened to me and someone that wanted to help me. Mr Pickersgill has saved me from the downward spiral I was on and given me back faith in the system. This man is a hero and he truly is making the world a better place.  I wish that every specialist showed the same high level of expertise and patient care as Mr Pickersgill, a truly amazing man. Thank you. Thankyou also to the team including Sharon (secretary) - she answered all of my quieries and helped to put my mind at rest along the way. One in a million!

9th October 2020

I am amazed at the speed of my recovery for a laparoscopic hysterectomy for a problematic large fibroid. Mr Pickersgill is a skilled advanced laparoscopic surgeon , as a doctor myself I was grateful to be under his care and appreciated his kind and informative manner .


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Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust. Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic (minimal access) surgeon. Interested in benign gynaecology (non-cancerous) with a background in fertility. Undertakes keyhole surgeries for all problems from fibroids, endometriosis, cysts through to hysterectomies and prolapse work. Keen on teaching and especially patient safety and cosmetic results